Technical SEO Checklist

Technical SEO Checklist

Getting the tech aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) right is crucial for high ranking and driving organic traffic to your website. Optimizing these technical SEO factors lays the foundation for SEO success.

This comprehensive technical SEO checklist covers key areas, including:

  • On-page optimization
  • Site performance
  • Content
  • URL structure
  • Link signals

Follow this checklist to:

  • Improve website crawlability for search engines
  • Enhance user experience through faster load times
  • Fix technical issues hurting your rankings
  • Strengthen your SEO foundations for sustainable growth
SEO BasicsSitemaps, Search Console, robots.txt
PerformanceCore Web Vitals, mobile optimization
ArchitectureInternal linking, duplicate content

Optimizing these technical factors will lead to the following:

  • Increased organic traffic
  • Improved keyword rankings
  • More conversions and sales

Get your site SEO-ready by meticulously working through each section of this comprehensive SEO checklist provided by IMG Courses

SEO Basics

SEO basics are the necessary groundwork to build an effective search strategy. Without strong fundamentals, even the most brilliant SEO tactics further down the line won’t have their desired impact.

It’s like constructing a house – you need poured concrete foundations before visually stunning finishes. Or understanding basic chords before shredding an epic guitar solo.

This section will focus on optimizing key elements that enable search engines to crawl, index, and understand your website content easily. Correcting these technical SEO factors lays the platform for ranking success down the track.

Think of it like tending to the roots so your SEO tree can grow tall and bear juicy organic traffic fruit.

Plant Your SEO Roots with Robots and Sitemaps

The first step is allowing search bots to access your site content via crawling. We want Google wandering around aimlessly like my three-year-old daughter unleashed in a candy store.

  • Robots txt – This file gives crawling instructions detailing sections you want to be excluded or included.
  • Sitemaps – Like a site roadmap to help bots navigate and index all pages.

These must be correctly configured so your content gets discovered. All that unique value you create is pointless unless search engines can find it.

Install the SEO Storefront with Structured Data

Do you know those rich result snippets at the top of Google providing extra site information? The ones that catch your eye with images, ratings, and pricing?

That’s structured data in action. Implement these markup elements so search engines can interpret and present your brand effectively.

Connect Insights Pipelines with Analytics

Ever cut into a cake and wondered if it cooked right inside? SEO analytics provides internal inspection for your website with tools like:

  • Google Analytics – Tracks traffic sources, user behavior flows
  • Google Search Console – Crawls, indexing, performance reports
  • Bing Webmaster – Equivalent insights from Bing searches

Connect them for unified visibility, enabling smarter SEO decisions.

With robust SEO roots nurtured – we can shift focus further up the framework onto pillars that support ranking gains through optimized content, usability, and authority signals.

Site Performance

Remember waiting 45 minutes to download a song on dial-up internet? Or buffering episodes on Netflix each night? Frustrating right?

Today, users expect lightning website speed and performance like flipping a light switch or tapping an app icon. If your site loads slowly, people leave.

Google cares deeply about user experience, so much so that they baked speed metrics called Core Web Vitals into their ranking algorithm.

Optimize these alongside technical stability factors so your site runs like a Tesla on autopilot – smooth, seamless, and quickly adapting to change.

Step on the Accelerator with Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals (CWV) measure a site’s loading experience using three key dimensions:

  • SpeedLargest Contentful Paint tracks how fast main content loads.
  • ResponsivenessFirst, Input Delay measures interface interactiveness.
  • Visual StabilityCumulative Layout Shift checks page element movement.

Run your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest to surface optimization opportunities.

Pro Tip: Install Google’s Chrome User Experience Report for aggregated CWV metrics on real users.

Pave Over Potholes with Stability Fixes

Even Formula 1 cars can’t speed around tracks filled with messy potholes and oil slicks. In the same vein, several technical issues introduce friction, slowing your site’s speed:

  • Duplicate Content – Multiple versions dilute page authority.
  • Broken Links – Lead visitors to dead ends.
  • Redirect Chains – Unnecessary path distance to destination.
  • Crawl Errors – Blocks bots from indexing key content.

Assess these areas through ScreamingFrog crawls and Google Search Console reports. Smooth things by redirecting duplicates, fixing broken links, eliminating chains, and addressing crawler blockages.

With a lightning-fast and stable site, the focus shifts to crafting content aligned with user intent. We’ll cover search relevancy next.

Content Optimization

With a technical foundations firm, we focus on optimizing content. Focus on late marketing trends.

Without useful, engaging content aligned to search intent, visitors bounce quicker than a dropped piñata. Valueless pages are like barren deserts in the search landscape.

Let’s fertile that content farm!

Plant SEO Seeds with Optimized Metadata

Think of title tags and meta descriptions like produce aisle signs designed to catch interest.

  • Title tags (60 chars) appear in bold blue links in search results.
  • Meta desc (160 chars) is the site description under the title.

Both should tempt searchers succinctly, using keywords that entice clicks while accurately summarizing content.

Grow to Reach with Internal Linking

Links are like site irrigation, funneling relevance signals across pages to help them flourish.

  • Use descriptive anchor text in key locations through articles
  • Link to deep content hidden in site architecture

This distributes “ranking juice” to help pages blossom. Monitor link health via crawl reports.

Harvest Fresh Content

User expectations evolve faster than iPhone releases, as do Google’s algorithms.

  • Track engagement metrics in Google Analytics to identify lower-performing areas.
  • Mine search data for optimization opportunities – new topics, questions, keywords.
  • Assign authors to refresh outdated or thin content.

Cultivate Mobile-First

Most searches now happen on smartphones. Ensure info is easily consumable via:

  • Apple/AMP compatible markup
  • Short paragraphs
  • Large tap targets

With robust, search-aligned content nourished, we’re ready to structurally support growth through URL and site architecture enhancements covered next.

Technical Factors

With robust content fertilized, let’s focus on key structural enhancements enabling sustained SEO success.

I like to think of solid technical foundations like steel beams in a skyscraper – invisible to visitors but essential for reaching new heights.

Optimize these areas so your site can support heavy traffic loads without toppling over.

Set in SEO Bedrock with Server Infrastructure

Your website needs a home. Should you build on sand, stone, or solid bedrock?

  • Use dedicated rather than shared web hosting – more stability at traffic peaks.
  • Implement a content delivery network (CDN) – speeds up asset loading globally.
  • Monitor uptime via sites like Uptime Robot – don’t leave visitors hanging!

With robust hosting selected, progressive enhancements like AMP and PWA improve mobile experience for the ages.

Raise SEO Towers with URL Structure

Optimized page URLs should intuitively reflect content themes like a building’s layout guides people to key areas.




  • Use short, descriptive paths.
  • Trim overly long parameters.
  • Fix broken links

This improves crawl efficiency for bots and navigation for visitors.

Lift SEO Higher by Streamlining Architecture

Skyscrapers contain dedicated lift cores, whisking people quickly between floors. Similarly, simplify your site’s architecture so bots easily discover content.

  • Consolidate duplicated pages, diluting signals.
  • Reduce path distance depth where possible.
  • Separate media assets are slowing page loads.

With a robust infrastructure set, authoritative signals lift pages higher. We’ll cover link building next.

Link Signals

We’ve fortified technical foundations and structured, optimized content towers. Now, let’s emit authority beams through strategic link building.

Consider links like steel reinforcements in architectural wonders – funneling trust and relevance to lift pages higher in rankings.

Craft natural link profiles cementing your site as an industry authority.

Research Competitor Link Profiles

Your competitors rank for coveted keywords. How? Study their backlink sources for insight through tools like Ahrefs and Semrush.

  • Identify authoritative domains linking to them.
  • Brainstorm relevant sites to pitch.
  • Avoid toxic link neighborhoods.

Analyze anchor text diversity and links to specific pages. This competitive intelligence fuels your acquisition strategy.

Scout Link Prospects

With aspirational sites identified, scout potential targets.

  • Find broken links to replace
  • Locate dated resources to refresh
  • Monitor news sites for trend jack opportunities

Curate relevant, value-adding assets like data studies or toolkits as blogger outreach collateral.

Diversify Link Types

Vary link type and anchor text for an organic, trusted profile.

  • Editorial – Bylined guest posts
  • Interview – Expert Q&As
  • Roundups – Included among competitors
  • Best of – Featured site mentions

Monitor Link Signals

Assess link health to accelerate growth while avoiding pitfalls.

  • Check toxicity via tools like Moz.
  • Track gradual authority gains through Majestic.
  • Crawl for broken backlinks causing 404s.

Disavow Toxic Links

Did an overzealous agency blast spammy links? Or a competitor sabotage?

⛔️ Identify toxic links manually or via tools like Ahrefs.

🚫 Submit the dispute file to Google Search Console.

With strong signals beaming, technical SEO towers stand tall, ripe for user traffic and conversions!

Tracking and Monitoring

Our skyscraper framework now stands tall, glinting authoritatively under the search sun. But, keeping it structurally sound over time requires monitoring and maintenance.

Set reminders to regularly check technical SEO vitals to address issues before catastrophically toppling rankings.

Schedule Site Audits

Like visiting the doctor even when feeling healthy run quarterly site audits.


  • Crawlability – Indexing errors
  • Speed – Core Web Metric scores
  • Links – Toxicity, broken backlinks
  • Content – Thin pages, cannibalization

Proactively address emerging issues before they escalate. If bandwidth is limited, at least check key indicator reports.

Monitor Key Reports in the Search Console

Google Search Console surfaces site health signals, including:

  • Index Coverage – Crawling tendencies
  • Enhancements – Structure data adoption
  • Crawl Errors – Blockages for bots

Proactively fix errors so all site sections get discovered.

Analyze Ranking and Traffic Reports

SEO success metrics include visibility, engagement, and conversions.

  • Track ranking positions for target keywords
  • Measure month-over-month organic traffic
  • Tie revenue to landing pages

If plateaus hit, revisit strategy and iterate.

Update Checklists As Algorithms Evolve

Google updates algorithms thousands of times annually. Ensure tactics align by:

  • Reviewing the latest SEO resources
  • Discussing changes with industry peers
  • Adjusting checklists accordingly

Staying agile ensures your framework stands the test of time!

Site Architecture

Beyond individually optimized pages, consider your site’s architecture – how sections and information intuitively connect through layout and navigation.

Much like a well-designed city, it guides people to key areas through obvious roads and transit lines.

Reinforce user flows using these information architecture enhancements.

Consolidate Duplicated Pages

Multiple pages targeting the same keyword research dilute relevance signals. Where possible:

  • Merge content into one robust asset.
  • Redirect variants to the canonical version.

Consolidating content retains signals while simplifying site structure.

Reduce Site Depth

Site depth refers to the number of clicks between pages. Shallower architecture improves discoverability and user experience.



Home > Product > Details


Home > Category > Subcategory > Product > Details

Rearrange menus or content themes to simplify flows.

Connect Related Content

Recommended products on e-commerce product pages boost conversions. Similarly, connect complementary site content through:

  • Related post links at article footers
  • Contextual text links across resources

Guiding visitors to associated assets improves engagement.

Upgrade Information Architecture

Evolve site navigation and labeling as new content gets added to reflect updated structure accurately.

  • Create separate sections for news and blog content.
  • Rename vague categories like “Resources”.

With architecture reinforced, ensure technical SEO skyscrapers stand the test of time through rigorous tracking and governance!

International Optimization

With technical SEO skyscrapers erected, are you overlooking expansion opportunities abroad?

International visitors represent significant conversion potential. Let’s explore considerations for adapting sites for multilingual search success.

Much like tailoring products to market preferences, optimize content for international search flavors.

Enable Multilingual Site Crawling

Confirm valid search bots can discover translated content versions by:

  • Linking language toggle in site footer
  • Listing URLs in XML sitemaps
  • Tagging translated pages with hreflang

This flags alternate versions to surface in relevant country search results.

Localize Content for Target Markets

Avoid machine translation, which often butchers nuance and intent. Instead, tailor content for cultural relevance.

  • Manually adapt or create locally resonant blog posts
  • Use region-specific calls-to-action

Reflect local dialects, examples, and references where possible.

Follow Country-Specific SEO Best Practices

Tactics differ internationally – stay locally competitive through tools like Semrush Country Profiles.

  • Identify unique searcher needs
  • Benchmark against top local domains
  • Isolate optimization quick wins

Track country-specific KPIs like keyword positions. Iterate and test learnings globally.

Configure Market-Relevant Domains

Should you use CCTLDs – country code top-level domains?



This builds familiarity and trust for local audiences. Use subfolders or subdirectories if managing sites gets overwhelming.

Much like hotels catering hospitality for diverse travelers, optimize your site for the world!


How can I improve my site’s page speed?

To improve your site’s speed, optimize images, minify CSS/JavaScript files, implement browser caching, leverage a content delivery network (CDN), and defer non-critical JS. These page speed optimizations help boost Core Web Vital metrics that impact search rankings.

What are the most important on-page SEO elements?

The most important on-page SEO elements include optimized title tags and meta descriptions, a focus on target keywords, strong information architecture, internal links to deep pages, image alt text, site speed improvements, and mobile responsiveness.

What is structured data markup and why does it matter?

Structured data markup uses schema code to help search engines better understand a page’s content. Implementing it can enhance search listings with rich results like star ratings, images, and pricing. This builds trust and improves click-through rates from search results.

How often should I be checking technical SEO reports?

Check key technical SEO reports in Google Search Console and tools like Semrush monthly. Schedule quarterly audits to catch bigger issues early. Monitor weekly if executing large site changes like URL migrations or new content systems.

What is the easiest way to find and fix crawl errors?

The easiest way to catch crawl errors preventing search indexing is using Google Search Console’s coverage report. Fix issues like 404s by redirecting or removing pages. Enable permission settings if blocking bots.

What should every robots.txt file include?

Every robots.txt file should specify any sections you want to block from crawling, allow policy for all other pages, a user-agent for each search engine, and Sitemaps directives pointing to your XML sitemap files.


Following this comprehensive technical SEO checklist lays the foundation for ranking success. Pages gain visibility and authority by optimizing website crawlability, speed, links, and content.

Implement sitemaps and structured data so bots can easily index pages. Fix errors and reduce site depth through information architecture improvements. Localize content for international visitors.

Monitor reports in Google Search Console to address issues early. Check page experience and Core Web Vitals using tools like Lighthouse. Link building to increase domain authority.

This checklist outlines key technical considerations for sustainable SEO growth. While search algorithms evolve, foundational factors like site health and structure remain crucial.

By regularly inspecting through audits and addressing areas needing enhancement, your website fortifies itself against new updates. This guide enables organic success by meticulously working through critical technical SEO factors.

With technical foundations set, the focus shifts to crafting content that captivates visitors while aligning with searcher intent.

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Author: Easy Techy